Elements of analytical geometry a line on the plane [Electronic resource] : guidelines for Students Studying a Course of Higher Mathematics in English for the first (bachelor) level of higher education Specialty 281 Public Management and Administration / State Biotechnological University ; comp.: Natalia Smetankina, A. Pak, T. Sychova. - Kharkiv : [s. n.], 2024. - 21 p.

Анотація: Basic definitions of Analytical Geometry (a straight line on a plane, second order curves) are given. The connection between different forms of line equations is shown. It is recommended for students studying mathematics in English.
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Дод.точки доступу:
Smetankina, Natalia \comp.\
Pak, Andrey \comp.\
Sychova, Tatiana \comp.\
State Biotechnological University